Thursday, September 2, 2010

Some youtube love to get us started.

I'm not ashamed to admit that, like 90% of the population, I loved Christopher Nolan's "Inception."
Yes, it was flawed. Yes, I'm still not clear on what a "kick" is and how it works. And yes, I'm still trying to get a hold of one of those smashingly Bond-ish three-piece suits that Joseph Gordon Levitt wears in the film.

Tailored goods aside, Inception was a thoroughly intriguing and exciting movie-going experience. While many may still complain about the ambiguities in the plot, for most of us, suspension of disbelief was more than enough.

The guys behind "How It Should Have Ended" have been at it for a few years now. Their animated parodies propose conclusions that often comment on plot holes and inconsistencies as well as tossing in some wonderfully broad humor. Their take on "Inception" is no exception.

Part of what is so intriguing about Youtube creations like this is how much they reflect the shared experience of our culture. When high-profile films come out nowadays, internet buzz can make or break them at the box-office. The resulting wave of discussion after a film like Inception premieres is incredibly dense. To illustrate, I offer you another Inception parody from the guys at Collegehumor: